Unlock the Secrets of WordPress Sites with a WordPress Theme Detector

Have you ever come across a beautifully designed WordPress site and wondered, "What WordPress theme is that?". Whether you're a web designer, developer, or just a WordPress enthusiast, discovering the building blocks of impressive websites can offer invaluable insights. This is where a WordPress Theme Detector comes into play.


What is WordPress Theme Detector?

WordPress Theme Detector is a free tool that can help you detect the WordPress Themes and Plugins installed on the website. If you come across a website that uses WordPress and you're curious to know which theme and plugins they've used, then WordPress Theme Detector is the perfect tool for you. It can help you learn a lot about how the website was built and designed.

How to use WP Theme Detector?

Copy the URL of the page that you prefer from the browser and paste it within the WP theme detector search bar. Some plugins can only be detected when they are being used on a specific page.

What Theme is This? What Plugin is That?

Each WordPress uses a theme (one or two themes known as a child theme). With the tool you can easily determine "What Theme is This" or "What WordPress plugins are Being Used" on the site, find out the vendor of the theme and download or buy a theme for your site.